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Distance Date Name Forum ID Birthday City St/Prov Country eMail Website
X 0 2009-07-19 01:53 Alexandru Neagu 0916 Brasov Romania AlexandruNeaguallianztiriacro
Email me anytime, I read all email, especially spam
X 147 2005-08-04 09:06 Sorin-Razvan Popa srpopa 1013 Bucharest Bucharest Romania SorinPopadhlcom
X 622 2017-07-24 15:50 Alex Alex2144 0905 Alexandria Ukraine kamos222postcz
X 650 2013-08-02 18:25 Nina K. Wolff Romania nina-katharinawolffergode
X 761 2010-08-02 19:54 gay 234 0101 istanbul Turkey Turkey xxhotmailcom
X 830 2006-12-21 07:04 Nela nela 0117 Zagreb Croatia jonesnethr
this is me !
X 840 2008-05-13 14:01 Fagmuffin Krakow Poland
X 944 2005-07-20 09:11 Mario 0310 Vienna Austria Austria
X 959 2008-05-20 08:08 Leonowicz 1116 Poland

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